Edward M. Calvo
Edward M. Calvo was a dedicated family man, phenomenal business executive, and compassionate community leader. The Edward M. Calvo Cancer Foundation is a tribute to his life and memory.
The following is an excerpt from a letter written to Edward M. Calvo's family from his physician following his death.
Eddie's illness was a devastating one but he determinedly fought it. During his tribulations, I never heard him once complain about his misfortune. He never felt sorry for himself - just the opposite. He thought of others and up until his death his main concern was for the welfare of his family. I feel there are several measures of a man's life, but too which are most telling is how someone conducts themselves in times of great adversity - this is when true character is displayed - and what legacy is left behind. Eddie faced his illness with strength and grace. And he received what he obviously gave, as I witnessed countless family members with him out of love not obligation. Watching your family was a source of strength and inspiration for all of us who had the privilege of caring for Eddie. I hope that when my day comes I too am surrounded by a loving family and that I conduct myself with the same class and dignity as did Eddie..."
- Stuart Schlisserman, MD